goodbye to that garbage tasting cheap pea protein powder this is now my go too it taste so good and is so inexpensive idk how they are making this work
I’ve been struggling with bad side effects from prescription statins this product it helping with my battle to lower cholesterol with out taking statins
Quite simply the best blood pressure product on the market.Nothing beats it . It’s lowered my systolic by 5 and my dystolic by 10 . All in the space of 2 months. I highly recommend it to anyone.
I like the natural peach flavour. Just waiting to see if works, too early to say at the moment. Will report back in the future. Thanks
To be honest, this product is profoundly effective. My doctors was surprised by the drop of my cholesterol reading. I am ordering some today. I highly recommend this product to those with high cholesterol
I'm giving this a full 5 stars because: 1) It has the correct ratio of Glucosamine (1,500) / Chondroitin (800) / MSM (750) that always seems to work best for me. - And: 2) It seems to still keep the pain away. I have no idea what the potency is, so the jury is still out on that account, and it probably will be for a long time, but for now, 5 stars. I'd love to learn more about potency and how to find out how effective OTC supplements actually are.I learned about this stuff from a friend who suggested it after I told him about having pain in my shoulder whenever I tried to reach my back while in the shower. I just couldn't reach around without any severe pain. He asked me if I had tried Glucasomine/Chondroitin and I told him I had never heard of it.Well, I tried it and about two weeks later, as I was showering and scrubbing my back, it suddenly hit me: NO PAIN! I couldn't believe it and had no idea when it happened, but pain that I'd been having problems with for more than a year was no longer an issue.In the meantime, I had been reading and found that the most effective mixtures had an MSM component to them. I also concluded that for me, the right mix was the 1,500/800/750 ratio that I mentioned above. I found that mix in Walmart (their own brand) at a great price and used it exclusively for a few years, until it was discontinued. I tried other products and had to mix some to get my desired combination, but what a hassle!After trying them for a short time, the ones I wound up keeping away from and still do are the ones that have a "proprietary" blend in them, meaning, "it's none of your business what we put into it, just take it and shut up!" NO THANK YOU! I found out that they don't have everything I want in them and put other stuff that I don't want into the bottle. Just do little research and experiment until you find out what works best for you. As they say: "Results will vary!"When I found this at vitamin shoppe I tried it and felt my (arthritic) pain had gone back to levels that they hadn't been since Walmart discontinued their product. I found it here later at a MUCH BETTER PRICE, so here's where I'm getting it.Even my orthopedic doctors give this the thumbs up!
Have been taking one a day for 2 months now & can say that my energy levels are improved . I cycle 150 miles a week & will keep taking NMN as part of my daily routine
I have had heart issues following the v4cc1n3 in 2022.
No doctor could diagnose my regular chest tightness, heart palpitations or weakness.
After 10 days on the Spike detox my symptoms have finally stopped.
I feel healthier than I have felt in 3 years. This genuinely may have saved my life.
If you are having similar issues, just try it! For £50 you would be crazy not to.
Ordering more as an emergency supply incase my symptoms return one day.
So basically I am a diabetic. I went out drinking on my birthday and had a hell of a hangover the next day. The following day it was like it never happened. I have never got over a hangover this quick. It normally takes me 4 to 5 days to get over it and that is because I am 45 and I am a diabetic. I can only say the difference in my lifestyle are these tablet. I felt energetic and even wanted to go to the gym. It's mad but I cannot go on about how amazing I even feel as I write this review and it's the second day. LOL
Received item which expires on Mar 2026. Ordered in mid Oct 24. Smaller pill and not hard like the Kirkland brand.
My doctor recommended that I go and see an Orthopedic Doctor for my worsening knee pain. He prescribed a prescription gel that I was to apply four times a day. Very messy, but I done as he told me for around 2 weeks with no improvement. I went back. They xrayed my knees and told me the joints were worn out. Bone rubbing against bone, with nothing there to cushion the shock. He gave me a shot in each knee. It helped for around a week. I couldn't get any more shots for a month, so I toughed it out. I went back in for more shots. My doctor was gone, I had a new doctor. He gave me the first shot, not too uncomfortable. Time for the second shot, in the worst of my two knees. I have never felt such pain in all my life! Tears were streaming down my cheeks, I had a tight grip of the table I was sitting on. Finally he stopped, pulled the needle out and said "I can't do this to you!" He was so sorry and didn't know what had went wrong. He then sent me for aqua therapy. This helped, while I was moving around in the 96 degree pool. My insurance would not pay for more than 2 months of treatments. It was very expensive to pay out-of-pocket. Plus since I could only go twice a week, my knees hurt just as bad the other 5 days of the week.I went back to see my doctor and he recommended something I had never heard of before. He told me that vets were having amazing success in horses with leg sprains and problems, after they started using this product. I stopped at a pharmacy and bought a bottle of Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM. I buy a lot of vitamins and supplements, most I can never tell if they are working or not. I take 3 capsules per day of these, one in the morning and two at night. I saw results within FOUR DAYS! Then I found these on Facebook. I think they workfaster because they are not a solid pill, like I found locally in the pharmacy. I will never, ever run out of these again!It hurt so bad to walk before, with a constant audible crunching of bone rubbing against bone. Now that is mainly gone. These amazing pills put the cushion back, and I LOVE them!UPDATE: I have taken these for months now. My knee pain is gone! There were a few times that I went for a few days, forgetting to take them. I will not make that mistake again! Now when I fill my weekly prescription box, these are included. To me, they are more important than some of the prescriptions that I am taking!
My husband has felt like his joints are responding very well to this supplement. This is our 3rd purchase and we’ll continue to buy.
Excellent seller, excellent quality product, arrived on time and without any problems. I recommend
I have used both the capsules and new peach powder. Both work well but the capsules are the better option. Looking forward to the capsules being back in stock!
Standard for all my reviews: When reviewing products, I always remain objective and honest about the product or service. I always review with information that I feel others would like to know about the product as I always assume what I'm writing will influence for or against the purchase. I always try to go above and beyond surface characteristics and input into quality, value and application. Most importantly, I will always end the review with an answer as to whether I'd purchase the product again which I believe is the most critical question pertaining to the item.I purchase this product on subscription as a much lower-cost alternative to store-purchased Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I don't want to make this review overly complex as it's a simply product with a simple application. Due to too much computer usage and previous sports injuries my neck, hands and knees have been affected. I'm 48 with bad Osteo-arth. in my left knee and my right knee is advancing due to picking up the extra workload. Hands, neck and back largely due to too much computer usage. I've taken products like this in the past with good results and picked it back up in the past 6 mos. with similar results.It's a great product when taken regularly, 4 capsules a day. They aren't "horse" pills and are easy to swallow, much better than some of the other products in which you only have to take two per day. The less pills in a bottle, usually the longer they will last you ... but at the cost of the size of the pill. "natural foundation supplements" brand is economical and even moreso when on subscription. When taken consistently over a few weeks, it's easy for me to tell the difference in my body. Each bottle should last you approximately 2 months if you take them regularly. Easy to take, no taste, no upset stomach even if I take four at a time. It's a great product and I'll be sticking with them.I'd purchase this product again .... and do.